Where are we?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hi Everyone!

I'm Robin and located in Buffalo Junction, VA. I know, you're wondering where in VA is Buffalo Junction???? BJ is located between South Boston and Clarksville on Highway 58 which runs east and west along the VA-NC state line. Lots of history here - behind us is Buffalo Springs where there used to be a HUGE resort and they bottled the lithia water and shipped it out on the train. Our house was built in 1790 and after 24 years here, we're still trapped in renovation h***. I work as a medical case manager and drive a lot! to my claimants' medical appointments. I sit a lot in physician waiting rooms. While I sit - I knit! I enjoy other stuff, also -- spinning, soap making, watercolor painting, traditional rug hooking, gardening, photography, my kitty cats, etc.

Thanks to Cathy for the invite! I think this blog is a great idea for VA knitters! I would love to find VA knitters who are closer to me. You can visit me here at For The Love Of Fiber.

1 comment:

Olivia-Lee said...

Welcome Robin. I love you area. My father and his siblings were born in Lawrenceville. I have driven 58 from the coast to mountains...